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Step 4: Creating the "Back To Top" Links

Another common way to use anchor links is to include a "Back to Top" link that takes the viewer to the top of the page. This is accomplished by inserting an anchor link at the top of the page.

  1. Place your cursor in front of the first menu link at the top of the page
  2. Insert > Named Anchor or, click the Named Anchor icon on the Insert Bar
  3. Enter a name for the anchor in the "Insert Named Anchor" dialog window. I named mine, "top".
Top anchor link
  1. Add a new link next to each anchor link on your page. I named mine "Back to Top" and inserted a small image of an arrow next to it.
  2. Highlight the text and use either the Point to File method or type "#top" into the link field of the Property inspector to link to the anchor link at the top of the page. Remember the pound sign before the link name.
  3. Continue adding the "Back to Top" link to for the remaining items on the page.
Back to Top anchor link


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