This is very simple to the Animated Mask
tutorial. We'll take you from start to finish, but if you're up
to speed on the Animated
Mask Tutorial, you'll probably be able to give this a perfunctory
glance and move on.
Step 1
Begin with an image or graphic placed on Layer 1. Name this layer
Step 2
Create a New Layer and name it
Circle 1. Right click on the Circle
1 layer and select Mask
from the drop down menu.
We've added 4 New Movies to our
Flash 5 source files cd! These include detailed videos on:
1. Tell Target/With
2. Dynamic Text 1
3. Dynamic Text 2
4. Animated Fly Out menu Part 2
About the CDROM:
These movies are the SAME content found in our Flash 5 tutorials, but
the quality is clearly better than the streaming, web-compressed format
we have online with Frame Rates up to 20 TIMES FASTER and CD-ROM quality
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